Established 2013
Leadership Team
Officer positions are elected by the association and are members of the Board of Directors.
Once elected, he/she is a voting member of the board. at the start of the school year.
These positions require a year long commitment, with a maximum of a a two year term. Must be an approved volunteer with WCPSS and a PTA member. Required to attend monthly BOD meetings.
President - Responsible for the supervision of all PTA business and affairs and is charged with leading the PTA team toward specific goals chosen by its BOD and its members.
Time Frame: All Year
Vice President (2) - Primary responsibility is to assist the President and help lead the PTA toward specific goals chosen by its members.
Time Frame: All Year
Secretary - Responsible for keeping an accurate record of the proceedings of the association, board and executive committee meetings. These records will be the history of the PTA.
Time Frame: All Year
Treasurer - Manages all financial records for the PTA.
Time Frame: All Year
2024-2025 RMS PTA Officers
Jessica Hood
President, Fundraising
Danelle Cooper
Vice President
Christina Johnston
Brittni Hancock
Board of Directors
Board of Directors positions are appointed by the Nominating Committee. These positions require a year long commitment, with no maximum term limit. Once appointed, he/she is a voting member of the board. Must be an approved volunteer with WCPSS and a PTA member. Required to attend monthly BOD meetings.
Audit Committee Chair - Responsible for examining financial records and transactions (along side the Audit Committee) to ensure that receipts have been properly accounted for, expenditures have been properly authorized and all have been recorded in minutes in conformity with PTA bylaws, standing rules and budget limitations.
Time Frame: "All Year" / Meets Monthly or as needed
Nominating Committee Chair - Tasked throughout the year(along side the Nominating Committee) with identifying talented, motivated and responsible individuals to serve on the PTA Leadership Team.
Time Frame: "All Year" / Largest commitment in March/April
Advocacy Committee Chair - Develops/organizes meetings, activities, and programs to further the goals and purposes of PTA.
Time Frame: "All Year" / As needed / Flexible Schedule
Communications Chair - Tasked with improving communications and relationships between school staff, families and the community via the PTA website, social media, weekly Principal message, monthly newsletters and Remind notifications.
Time Frame: All Year / Flexible schedule / Work From Home / No special tech skills needed - all "click and drag"
Membership Chair - Responsible for promoting the PTA, recruiting members throughout the school year and managing MemberHub.
Time Frame: All Year / Largest commitment in July/August
*Teacher Representative - Acts as a liaison between the school staff and the PTA. This person brings requests and suggestions from the staff to the PTA for consideration. She/he is also responsible for keeping the faculty informed of decisions made by the PTA.
Time Frame: "All Year"/ Meets Monthly
*Must be a current RMS teacher
Committee Coordinators/Chairs
Committee Coordinators may work alone or oversee a committee and conduct specific business ad hoc, even dissolving when the business they were charged to do is complete. Must be an approved volunteer with WCPSS and a PTA member.
Hospitality - Organizes and facilitates efforts with the Hospitality Committee to show the students, parents and the PTA’s appreciation for the RMS teachers/ staff throughout the school year via luncheons, treats, events and other efforts.
Time Frame: "All Year" / As Needed; Largest commitment - May
Remarkable Rams - Organizes and purchases items for quarterly recognition breakfast/event
Time Frame: "All year" - Quarterly - early mornings required
Step It Up Kids - Assists fundraising company with printing / distributing fliers and prizes and running the Day of Awesomeness.
Time Frame: Begining of the school year - Kick Off is in August/September and the Day of Awesomeness is usually in November
Spirit Wear - Responsible for ordering, selling and distributing t-shirts and spirit items throughout the school year.Time Frame: "All Year" / As needed / Flexible Schedule
Book Fair- Coordinates and implements the annual Scholastic Books Book Fair and assists with visiting local Authors throughout the school year.Time Frame: "All year" - As needed; Book Fair February
Family Nights - Works with local businesses /restaurants to host RMS families in which a % of the proceeds of profits are then donated to the PTATime Frame: "All Year" - Monthly / Quarterly / As needed / Low Time Commitment
Retail Rebates & Box Tops Coordinator - Manages all the retailer/box top (digital) programs throughout the school year that give back to our school/PTA when specific purchases/criteria are met at their stores/online.
Time Frame: "All Year" / As needed / VERY Low Time Commitment
Cultural Arts - The Cultural Arts Director oversees and plans all Cultural Arts activities for the school year
Time Frame: "All Year" / Flexible - United Arts Council Meeting in Aug / Beginning of the Year
PE Posters - Works with RMS PE Teachers, Prints and maintains student fitness posters for display
Time Frame: As needed / Flexible Schedule / VERY Low Time Commitment
Beautification - Identifies and chooses projects to complete to make sure that our school looks its very best.
Time Frame: "All year" / As needed / Low Time Commitment
Staff Grants - Works with the Grant Committee to collect staff submissions, review/approve and purchase items
Time Frame: Spring / Low Time Commitment
Community Service - Plans and implements activities/events that support the community, such as The Super Bowl of Caring Personal Hygiene Drive
Time Frame: As needed / Hygiene Drive - Late October - Mid February
8th Grade Celebration - Organizes and purchases items for the end of year 8th grade celebration for all 4 tracks
Time Frame: May/June
Board Advisory Council (BAC) - Is the parent representative for the WCPSS District 1 Board Advisory Council, attends all BAC meetings and shares meeting minutes with the RMS PTA.