Established 2013
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the PTA do?
Our purpose is to enhance students' education by sponsoring student support programs like spelling bee / geography bee, staff appreciation, author visits, teacher grants, hosting family events and fostering communication between faculty and parents. We do this through fundraising and volunteering.
What can I do to help enhance my student's education?
A key way to show support and involvement is by becoming a PTA member. Your membership helps support valuable enrichment programs and equipment that Rolesville Middle School otherwise could not afford. Through PTA membership you can participate in your child's education by volunteering for a committee, attending meetings, voting on important PTA decisions, and providing ideas and feedback. Whatever level of involvement you choose, your time and efforts shows your child that you care about their education.
Why is membership important?
The more members we have, the more support the children in your school and community will receive.
What are the benefits of joining?
The PTA benefits parents as well as students/staff/school. PTA functions are opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, building rapport and discussing issues that are on your mind. Joining the PTA also means you get a "VOICE and a VOTE" in helping shape the education of your child at RMS. Every dollar we spend is voted on by the membership at our meetings.
Individuals can take advantage of benefits from PTA membership including: Discounts/offers from member benefit providers, leadership training, e-newsletters and much more.
Who can join?
The RMS PTA is an inclusive organization that is open to all adults who care about children and schools. It is made up of parents, guardians, family, friends, teachers and members/business owners of the community.
What do my dues pay for?
A portion of the dues are forwarded to state and national offices. The remainder stays at RMS. In return, local PTAs and members receive access to many valuable resources, information, grants, support and training programs.
Membership Information
PTA membership is just $10 for a single membership or $18 for a family of 2 adults for the entire school year. Show your support for our school and PTA initiatives by joining today! Just click the button below to go to the MemberHub Store to set up your RMS PTA Membership
Many people think that joining the PTA means you must volunteer time at the school or at PTA events. While we welcome you to participate, no commitment or expectations are required - you’re just simply showing your support for our students, school, parents, and staff.
The PTA is a national organization that advocates on behalf of children and there is strength in numbers. By joining the PTA, you increase our ability to advocate for children at local, state and national levels, because when you join the RMS PTA, you automatically become a member of the NC PTA and the National PTA, making you not only an advocate for your student, but EVERY student!
Email rmsptarams@gmail.com
Thanks to all of our wonderful PTA members!
"When PTA gets involved, children benefit, when you get involved with the PTA, the child who benefits the most is your own"
Member Benefits
The number one reason to join the PTA is to benefit your child. In doing so you also help our school...but, there are many more advantages:
Our Children Online Magazine Family Resources, Programs and Advocacy Assistance
National PTA teams up with businesses committed to supporting PTA’s mission of serving all children by offering our members special discounts and other unique deals: